Again, at 11. 22 / 35. However, a girly looking nub still has time to rise after 12 weeks. 3% at 11 weeks to 98. It’s not a predictor, however, and can be wrong. So it is most accurate at 13 weeks as a girl could actually be a boy. Is the Nub Theory accurate? Despite some semi-persuasive data and loads of anecdotal evidence on Internet forums, you probably shouldn’t rush home to. Like. 3%. NIPT- correct at 12 weeks5. At 11 weeks the accuracy rate of sex determination is 71. (Hey, it’s probably more accurate than peeing in a cup of salt water to see if you’re pregnant!). The nub theory is used to determine the sex of a baby via u/s at 12-14w gestational age. Hi! Jumping over from the October group because I love guessing nub theory on ultrasounds! I had a post like this in our group and got most all of the guesses correct when people found out gender! The ultrasound does have to be at least 12 weeks for an accurate guess, less than that it’s closer to a. How accurate is nub theory?Nub theory at 11 weeks. Nubs are much more accurate for guessing, but again only if the baby is the right gestation and the nub is completely captured. registered company. We are team yellow but feel our surprise has been ruined by nub theory. Aug 30, 2016 at 9:53 PM. Nub theory has been right for me twice! Had a boy in 2021 and was confirmed last week baby #2 is a girl! both times i had clear nub shots. The big difference between them at that gestation was that she was not near as rounded in the body as they were. Sorry. At 12 weeks, a girly-appearing nub might rise, but at 13 weeks, it probably wouldnt. I've come across the nub theory and am intrigued. Sex determination using a method called the ‘nub theory’ can be done at least eleven weeks after conception. Chat homepage;. Ashamed_Bike_9611. We also confirm potty shots/gender through still images and videos. 9% accuracy, this is only when analysed by a professional nub enthusiast like ourselves. Thread: How accurate is nub theory at 10+4 weeks? Thread Tools. The accuracy of the nub theory 12 weeks later is most accurate in a pregnancy. It is supposedly the earliest point of prediction using modern technology; however it is only 40-60% accurate. If it is somewhere in between, it may be harder to make a definitive determination. 7% at 12 weeks. Confirmed 12 week scan pics only please. If you are impatiently counting down the days until. well, my sonographers were definitely. A developing female nub also varies at different gestations, the sex will usually be easier to predict if the nub is seen to be imaging at 30 degrees less in relation to your baby's spine. Is the Nub Theory accurate? Despite some semi-persuasive data and loads of anecdotal evidence on Internet forums, you probably shouldn’t rush home to. Of course, the key to drawing the nub line is being able to identify the nub. Nub theory is about 97 percent accurate, but only when performed by a trained scientist or doctor at 13 weeks or later, research indicates. At 12 weeks the accuracy rate is about 92%. How accurate would this be so early? #1 Jmommy, Jan 26, 2012. All about nub theory! Between 12 - 14 weeks gestation, baby’s gender can possibly be determined based on…ok so i have been doing hte nub theory for over 6 years and always assumed that if you get a good nub shot once it is visible at 9 weeks plus you canquietlyspoken08 · 15/05/2021 17:16. Aug 6, 2020 at 4:26 PM. We also confirm potty shots/gender through still images and videos. 11 weeks 5 days is a few days soon but the girls over there will give you an honest guess if that's what you're looking. April 13, 2023 | by caitandvee. But then others tell me 50/50? Baby due any day now. arlyparlypooh. The accuracy rate for 13 weeks is 98. Is the Nub Theory. A day can truly make all the difference. Sex determination accuracy improves with an increase in gestational age starting from week 11 to 13+ 6. Im not sure im convinced yet! Xx. clearly having done so previously. 03/01/2017 at 5:58 pm. But nub theory is still just a theory and does not always prove to be correct anyway. 9% accurate The Nub Theory. All about nub theory! Between 12 - 14 weeks gestation, baby’s gender can possibly be determined based on…How accurate is the nub theory at 12 weeks? The ‘Nub Theory’ suggests it’s possible to tell the gender of your child in an ultrasound scan from as early as 12 weeks. The nub begins to change around 11 weeks, but analysis of the nub angle is most accurate beginning at 12 weeks through 14 weeks. It’s the most accurate gender prediction at that age. @Bre0221 The nub theory didn't work for me. Use The Nub Whisperer's to find out the gender using your very own ultrasounds scans from just 12 weeks! This is an earlier than normally insight! by viewing the genitalia from a transverse view, ( Nub theory) although not a theory anymore! we can see the development changes much earlier!All babies have "nubs" before they turn into a penis or vagina. Sagittal sign: If the caudal notch is pointing upward at more than a 30-degree angle, then the fetus is a boy. The bladder is drawn through to the tip of the nub and shows no rise. Sam S(746) 10/07/2019 at 2:26 pm. Here's my nub shot at just shy of 12 weeks. It is not a scan to tell you the sex of your baby, although some hospitals may tell. We were told girl at 13 weeks, I then compared the ultrasound with our daughters from 4 years ago and the nubs looked almost identical. You should have your A/S in about 8 more weeks, I would rely much more on what they say at that appointment than at 12 weeks. Discover the sex of your baby before anyone else! From the 6th week of pregnancy our specialized staff will analyze your ultrasounds and use one your chosen baby gender predictor theory to determine the gender of your baby. That being said, I had my NT scan at 11+4 and the nub theory was right for both babies (one boy, one girl). The hormone which makes the nub change doesnt start until the 12th week with perfect time being on the 13th week mark, anything before this is still doing its change, they all start out looking girly from 11 weeks,. Posted 11-27-17. Yeah it's a theory, not a proven thing which I guess is why sonographers don't generally use it at 12 weeks. A study conducted in 2006 found that biological sex could be predicted at 85% accuracy by 12 weeks and 97% accuracy by 13 weeks. Let’s have some fun as we’re almost to the second tri!!! 1. Could go either way hun, the nub theory is certainly not fool proof but after 13 weeks is a lot more accurate - well worth posting on baby nub or in gender! X. Sep 7, 2021I'm 12 weeks tomorrow and my dating scan is a week today so maybe I'll have a better chance at guesses then! [emoji51][emoji4] x I got a very clear nub shot at exactly 13 weeks, so fingers crossed baby is in a good position for a nub shot xAdvertisement. The Nub Theory can help you discover your baby's gender at the 12-week scan, all you need is your first ultrasound. 7% and at 13 weeks the accuracy was 100%. In our comment section, we found that people are very curious to find the baby’s gender before birth. In my opinion if the nub is clearly imaged on the scan it's very accurate!! @AlishaLouise Thank you, we're lucky that we got a clear nub!The accuracy of nub theory is dependent on a number of factors, including fetal position and gestational age. 0. Mar 5, 2020 at 5:25 AM. Does anyone know how accurate the nub theory is at this gestation with a good picture?If you’re under 12 weeks, please feel free to drop your scan but just keep in mind it isn’t really accurate at all as a lot can change in a week for you baby. With a clear 13 week picture it should be very accurate, I'd say aout 90%, i have followed nubs for a long time and rarely do I see a clear picture turn out to be the opposite, it does happen but rarely, please post your pic, I am intrigued now!!!:)Late riser is my best guess! I’m having a girl and my children’s skulls are all very similar. Your 12-week scan and skull theory. . 551 subscribers in the nubtheory community. September 2013 Birth Club. The nub theory is a way of predicting a baby’s sex based on an angle of the genital tubercle around 12 weeks gestation; male and female fetuses typically have different angles of this bone structure. Netmums-to-be. I’ve uploaded that photo before and it was a 50/50 split! Also I’d love either a boy or girl so really don’t mind ️Nub Theory at 12 weeks 0 replies. . The accuracy can vary from 70. They said a long nub (clitoris) and the angle in relation to the bladder suggested girl. In answer to. It's more about the angle and wether it appears stacked. 3% at 11 weeks to as high as 98. i say girl also very rounded head and nub isnt at the best angle to be seen but what i can see would also guess girl x. 0. Is the Nub Theory accurate? Despite some semi-persuasive data and loads of anecdotal evidence on Internet forums, you probably shouldn’t rush home to. 5-12 weeks, it increased quite a bit to 75. By 14 weeks it's something like 80-90% accurate. The genetic testing says male but I’m not sure how accurate those are. Any guesses from my scan pic, at 8 weeks scan Ramzi theory I was guessing boy but now I'm thinking. We'll know for sure when it's born I guess! The scan at 20 weeks is a really important one which checks all the baby's major organs for anomalies. Gestation plays a huge part in predicting a baby girl, the nub can be seen hanging off the end of the rump. EmTrips. Nub theory is the most accurate gender predictor around!. They look incredibly similar at this. 99 $ 13. To answer your question, I think there's a 50% chance it's a girl. Anonymous. Our 7 week u/s looked like a boy according to the Ramzi theory. Many a mom-to-be has been told she must be carrying a boy because her baby bump sits so high. Sex determination accuracy improves with an increase in gestational age starting from week 11 to 13+ 6. 12 weeks is much more reliable. Hi everyone :))) I am sooo curious about my baby gender! Could anyone help me with the nub? Boy or girl? Thank you . The nub theory is basically about 'the angle of the dangle'. ” This is sometimes called “nub theory. E. 12 weeks ultrasound As the uterus grows to fit the growing baby, the side on which the placenta started developing may no longer be clear. This means that, although the accuracy of the Ramzi theory at 11 weeks is not high, we are able to combine it with other gender prediction methods like nub and skull. See last answer. 09/03/2019 at 4:45 pm. How accurate is the nub test at 12 weeks? According to research, nub theory can only be performed by a trained scientist or doctor at 13 weeks or later. Cort20. Nub theory was right - we're having a girl! I had sent the scan off to some nub interpretation website and they guessed girl with 80 percent confidence too based on the 12 week ultrasound photo. What is the nub theory? This is known as the Nub theory. The theory is, if the nub is parallel to the spine it is a girl a dog it is angled up at all, it is a boy. MrsF2812. In answer to. Skull theory is a gender prediction method that some claim can show you if you're having a boy or a girl from a 12-week ultrasound scan picture. 5 weeks. The angle theory says a boy points up, and a girl is straight, down, or the nub goes in the same direction as the spine, but I'd say by 14 weeks the genitals are starting to look like their own. Hi everyone :))) I. 6 to 100 percent, with most of the variation influenced by smaller, less developed babies. How accurate were your nub…Early Gestation At 11 weeks gestation it is way too early to predict your baby's sex. 2. • Placenta implanted on the left = girl. Any nub guesses on baby? This is 13 wk exactly. The accuracy of the nub theory is dependent on the timing of the ultrasound. 7% (67/99), which is comparable to the accuracies obtained for other. That was our 12+4 day scan. Likes Received: 596. Wow ur nub is so clear! And yeah its the forked shaped thing. However, there's a catch. If the nub — which is located near the fetus’s butt and looks kind of like a tail — is angled 30 degrees. In a follow-up study of 656 pregnancies, sonographers were again perfectly accurate by 13 weeks. See all replies (1) Preggolady7. For females, the method proved to be 91. Skull theory is a popular gender predictor method that uses the features you see on an early ultrasound to determine your baby's sex. Some experts claim up to 88 per cent accuracy using the technique - making it more effective than the 75 per cent of parents who said their 20-week scan correctly predicted their baby’s sex. Nub theory is 99. 21 / 35. Stairgates. One Theory. So, as accurate as some may find it, skull theory is nothing more than a bit of fun,. Nub Theory. Eleven weeks is the earliest that sex determination can be carried out with an ultrasound using a method called the ‘nub theory’. I go in next week for bloodwork. 5%. Hi mamas, curious if any of you have tried the “nub theory” for first trimester gender prediction, and if you know yet if it was right or wrong for your bab…Experts in THE NUB THEORY, we don’t just guess on our page. Share. Conclusion: Prenatal gender assignment by ultrasound has a high accuracy rate at 12-14 weeks. Sneak peek- correct at 6 weeks and 8 weeks4. The gender experts are renowned for getting it wrong but unfortunately people are so desperate to know they will pay to see what people think. Show Printable Version; June 19th, 2019, 12:08 AM #1. . 5%. A. 5 weeks and everyone keeps saying its nub is clearly a girl because it points completely parallel with the spine. Reply. Can't tell, there was never a steady pause. The nub theory is also known as the angle of the dangle. We believe the future is Nub! In our experience, the Nub Theory IS more accurate than the conventional potty shot. Nub/Skull Gender at 12+5 weeks. BOY OR GIRL? 12 week scan picture. The Ramzi theory (also called Ramzi's method) claims you can predict a baby's sex as early as 6 weeks pregnant by using images from an ultrasound. However, it depends on the following conditions. …We've just had our 12 week scan today🙂. 9 %. The accuracy can vary from 70.